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A team of 4 students from Temasek Polytechnic were commissioned by Simply Wills to conduct a marketing survey on the following areas in 2011 :

  1. How many of those interviewed do not have a Will written;

  2. The reason(s) why they have not written their Wills;

  3. Their understanding of the intestacy rules;

  4. Their opinion on the cost of writing a Will;

  5. Their perception on who can provide the service;

  6. Their understanding on the requirements of a valid Will;

  7. Their understanding of Wills Registry.
Here are some of the findings :

✐ 87% of the working adults in Singapore do not have a Will written yet;

✐ 18% of those interviewed are considering making one;
Their Age Group :

  • Age 21-30 : 15%
  • Age 31-40 : 30%
  • Age 41-50 : 35%
  • Above 50 : 20%
✐ 18% of those interviewed accurately indicated that there are 9 intestacy rules;

✐ 51% of those interviewed thought that a Will made must be registered with the Wills Registry to be recognized as a valid Will.